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Building confidence and self-esteem in children

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Building confidence and self-esteem in children

Instilling confidence in your children will help them through the rest of their life… But, what does it mean though? And how do I do it?

Instilling confidence and self-esteem in children is essential for their well-being.  This well-being can be established starting as young as toddlers. Self-esteem can help children in their academics, interactions with others, and confidence in themselves. Children who have a healthy dose of self-confidence are those who value their own opinions, try new things despite the risk of failure, are good communicators and problem solvers, and generally feel good about themselves.

Parents have a very important role in building self-confidence in their children and the best part: all you have to do is be present and active in your child's life.

There are many simple conversations, games, writing templates, and many more simple ideas that can help build a solid foundation of self-confidence and self-esteem:

  • Conversations: A conversation with your child can go a long way.  Simple conversations about how they are feeling, what their interests are, and discussing their strengths and achievements.
  • Games:  There are many therapy games out there that will help your child build confidence and self-esteem by:
    • Opening up to others
    • Discovering their strengths
    • Connecting better with others
  • Writing templates: Writing templates can help your child navigate another way to express themselves more quietly.  These journals can help your child focus on all of the positive things in his/her life.
Self-esteem becomes simpler later if you start when they're little. Focus on small goals that are easily attainable for a child.


4 Tips to instill confidence in your kids daily life:

  1. Appreciate your child in the little moments:
    • Thank them for helping you pick up a mess.
    • Congratulate them on a job well done with a paper, assignment, or chores.
    • Tell them how great of a person, or friend they are.
  2. Make them feel valued and appreciated
    • Always tell them you love them no matter what.
    • Support their interests and passions
    • When there is a behavior issue: address the behavior as “what you did was not acceptable,” not, “you are a bad kid.”
    • Have thought-out discussions with them about their opinions on the world, politics, a simple opinion on a new couch, or car.
  3. Teach them real-world skills
    • Time management
    • Study skills
    • Organization
    • Meditation and breathing techniques
  4. Foster their Independence
    • Give them choices on activities or meals
    • Include age-appropriate household tasks


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